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General Information

My Data ApS
VAT ID: 31068258
Karupvej 7
8000 Aarhus
Phone: 60202000


We strive to respond to all written inquiries within 48 hours.

These terms and conditions govern your use of the services provided by MyData. It is important that you read and understand the following terms and conditions before using MyData's services. By using MyData's services, you accept to be bound by these terms and conditions in their entirety. If you use our services and products on behalf of a company or organization, you accept these terms on behalf of yourself/company/organization and confirm that you have the authority to bind yourself/company/organization to our terms. If this is the case, "you/your" and "I" will refer to the company/organization. You may only use our products in accordance with these terms. You may only use our products and services if you have the authority to enter into an agreement with MyData and are not prohibited by any form of law from doing so. Our products may be further developed and modified along the way without your permission and without notifying you. However, we always strive to inform all customers in a timely manner. Furthermore, we may remove content from our service at our discretion.


The Service

The provider makes the service available to you under the condition that you comply with the agreement. The service is provided "as is" and "as available" for your personal and non-commercial use. The provider assumes no responsibility, regardless of the cause, for any unavailability of the service or lack of functionality due to difficulties or lack of access to content or other communication system failures. You can use the service to search for unwanted or unauthorized behavior using your personal data, computer, bank account, or similar. It is important to note that the provider is not responsible for damages or consequences of such behavior, even if the service has been defective or inaccessible. The provider also disclaims responsibility for the discovery of unwanted or unauthorized behavior. The provider has the right to suspend your access to the service at any time.



To use the service, you must be authorized to enter into agreements under Swedish law and be over 18 years of age. The service is intended for personal use, and you may not use it to search for email addresses belonging to other individuals or third parties. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you share with the provider does not violate the rights of others or break the law. You are not allowed to (i) transfer your right to use the service to third parties, (ii) attempt to derive the source code from the service, or (iii) remove notices of ownership, copyright, or other rights included in the service. The provider may suspend your access to the service if they have reasonable grounds to believe that you are using it in a manner that violates the agreement.



The service is provided "as is" and "as available," and the provider disclaims all warranties and representations, both express and implied. The provider specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, to the extent permitted by law.



You are not entitled to compensation for direct or indirect damages. The provider is not liable for indirect damages or losses, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business opportunities, use, goodwill, data, or other indirect, punitive, special, or consequential damages, regardless of the cause of the damage.


Force Majeure

The provider is not responsible for the failure or delayed fulfillment of the agreement due to events beyond their control, such as labor disputes, war, embargo, government intervention, pandemics, natural disasters, or delayed subcontractor services due to the aforementioned reasons.


Intellectual Property Rights

The service and its components remain the property of the provider and/or its licensors, including intellectual property rights. You have a limited, revocable license to use the service for personal use in accordance with the agreement. You must indemnify the provider against any claims related to the use of the service.


Third-Party Services

Certain parts of the service may contain third-party services that are subject to third-party terms and copyrights. Your use of the service implies acceptance of these third-party terms, and you are responsible for any claims related to them.



Confidential information, in any form, must be kept confidential, and you may not disclose it to third parties without written approval from the provider. Your use of confidential information must comply with the agreement and the terms herein for a period of three years.



The provider may transfer its rights and obligations under the agreement to a third party that is expected to fulfill the conditions to your satisfaction.



Please note that we never automatically shut down your solution. Your agreement will also always be automatically extended for the same period or less when it expires. For example, if you have signed a 1-year security solution for your company with MyData, you can expect your agreement to be extended by 1 year if MyData still offers the same solution at the end of your agreement. You can stop using our online services at any time. Be aware that the termination period after the end of the binding period is always a minimum of the current month plus 30 days for private agreements. For business agreements, the notice period is 3 months. If in doubt, contact our support or your contact person for clarification of your specific agreement. You terminate your agreement by sending us an email at On your personal site, you also have information about your agreement, its expiration, and you can retrieve your invoices. We may suspend or terminate your use of our service if you do not comply with these terms or use the service in a way that could harm MyData. If we suspend or terminate your use, we will attempt to provide you with advance notice and assistance. In special cases, we may terminate your use of our service without notice, for example, if there is an extreme breach of these terms. If we terminate your use of our service due to a breach of our terms, there will be no refund.


Subscription Service

With MyData subscription service, you pay via your credit card. After your payment, your invoices will be automatically paid from your card in the future, so there will be no invoice fees. As security is a priority for us, this method also ensures that you only need to enter your card information once. The subscription only ends when it is terminated. The subscription will automatically be renewed for a period chosen by you as a customer (see termination terms).


Right of Withdrawal in Business Purchases

Business customers do not have a right of withdrawal unless otherwise agreed in writing.


Newsletter and Contact by Email

When ordering a MyData product, you have the option to give MyData consent to contact you by email. The email may contain information about new products, tips for further securing your data, or relevant news. You can opt out of receiving these emails at any time by writing to us at or by 'unsubscribing' directly in the newsletter. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from our emails, we may still need to send you information about your product to maintain its functionality. MyData ApS does not sell your contact information to third parties.


Right of Withdrawal for Subscriptions (Consumer Purchases Only)

As a consumer, you have a 14-day right of withdrawal when you shop with us. The

 withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day we made the agreement. The deadline means that you have 14 days from the agreement day to notify us that you want to withdraw. You can send an email to or use the standard withdrawal form, which you will find at the bottom of the terms and conditions.



If you withdraw from your purchase, you will receive your money back. We will refund the amount to you without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the day we received notice that you want to withdraw from the agreement. We will refund the money using the same payment method that you used for the purchase, unless we have agreed otherwise. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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